Clean your Gutters, Save Hundreds of Dollars

Cleaning out the gutters has to be one of the least-liked household chores around the world. However, cleaning out the gutters every now and then can actually help you save hundreds to thousands of dollars in the long run.

House experts say that an accumulation of debris like leaves and sticks on the gutter system can easily redirect water into the home. This redirection of water can cause severe water damage to the interior of a home. In many cases, the water flows straight into the basement, flooding the area.

Water damage goes beyond warping interior walls, though. Flooding in the basement can easily lead to growth of health hazards like molds. Water can also weaken walls, making them a prime target for pests such as rats and termites. In addition, overflowing water from clogged gutters can easily destroy landscaping directly below it or cause driveways and sidewalks to crack.

According to house experts, gutter systems should be cleaned at least twice a year, although, this might have to be performed more frequently if there are many trees in the vicinity. People who are afraid of heights, or those who simply find the task of cleaning out the gutters too much of a hassle are better off scheduling regular cleaning, or installing gutter guards to avoid at least massive buildup of leaves and other debris in the water channels.


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