Notes on Efficient Gutter Cleaning

This autumn, you will have to clean out your gutters regularly if you don't want it clogging your system when winter arrives. The cold winter isn't exactly the best time to think of gutter repair and replacement. The end of autumn is the most opportune time to clear gutters and downspouts of the usual channel dregs: leaves, twigs, other seasonal debris.

You will need a ladder sturdy enough to carry your own weight. Bring a garden hose with a jet nozzle with you; it should be enough to clear off solid debris that have collected in your gutters for quite some time. You should also protect your hands from sharp debris and insects by wearing safety gloves.

Remove as many leaves, twigs, and other foliage litter by hand and place them in garbage bags. You can also use a trusty trowel to get rid of those pesky caked-in dirt. Remove the filler in your downspout and clear the area as far down as you can.

Now it's time to use the hose. Aim the jet nozzle at the surface of your gutter and spray at a diagonal angle so the splashback on your clothes and face will be minimized. You should then aim the spray along the downspout and check to see if water coming out at the bottom end is consistent with how much you're letting in. If it isn't, your downspout is clogged or has a leak.


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